From the Desk of President
Fluorine Chemists helping Chemists in academia, industry and research laboratories to achieve their goals and objectives by providing highest purity products, with reasonable prices and on time shipment and delivery.
Our production chemists are our sales team. They understand the language you speak and can respond rapidly to your inquiries to save you time.
We are experts in custom synthesis and welcome inquiries about custom manufacturing of inorganic and fluorine compounds.
Because of environmental concerns, our goal is to offer our products in the amounts you need, so you (our customers) have no problem disposing of the unused chemicals. That’s why, no order is too small for Galaxy Chemicals. We honor all inquiries and can provide the technical assistance you need for safe handling and the use of our products
We are eager to provide technical help, and answer questions about HF and elemental fluorine chemistry.
You, our customers, your comments, suggestions and opinions are very important to us. This will aid us in providing better service to you.
We are have expertise in AHF, aqueous HF and elemental fluorine chemistry. We can produce fluorinated products from small to large scale with flexible packaging available.
Tariq Mahmood, Ph.D
We are able to provide technical information and specifications on our products either by phone, fax or e-mail.
We willingly provide helpful information on the products we sell.
The custom products we produce may or may not be on the TSCA ( Toxic Substance Control Act ) inventory. Products not listed on TSCA inventory can be used for research and development purposes only. The customer is responsible for being in compliance with TSCA and its regulations. We can provide the information on listing of TSCA inventory.
The EPA requires that the customer follows the requirements listed in 40 C.F.R. 720.3(ee) regarding PMN ( premanufacturing notification).The customer is responsible for using our products for research and development purposes only in order to qualify for exemption from PMN. The use of our product must be supervised by technically qualified personnel.
The MSDS is sent with each shipment in accordance with OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD, 1900–1200. Please review the MSDS, for safe handling and industrial hygiene controls prior to the use of our products. It is important that customers are familiar with the hazards associated with any product.
Product limited Liability The information provided by the Galaxy Chemicals, LLC is accurate to date. We are not responsible for the damages, expenses, losses and liability of any kind arising from the negligence or use of our product by the user/ purchaser.
We do not guaranty the results by the use of our product.
Product Return Policy All return shipments require PRA # (product return authorization #) from our technical department for shipping instructions and credit. There is a minimum of 20 % restocking fee.